Much continued busy-ness here, with a primering job of the family room just begun yesterday after getting back from a weekend in St. Pete with John, Pete, and Mark. We stayed at my former roommate's place. She wasn't around, having taken her daughter to Disney World for the weekend. Knowing our trials and tribulations, it was probably for the best. We did party with her husband Dan, though. Seems like a cool guy. They definitely have a mackin' pad -- thirtysomethings living among retirees. Gotta love it!
Rush was great on their 30th Anniversary Tour. Cowie went the night before in West Palm, where he caught a unique show since it was Geddy Lee's birthday. Tampa's show was great though. Before we left, I saw a bit of a campaign speech that Dubya was giving in Missouri. All these ppl were there chanting "four more years!" while he told lie after lie. Like "most Americans get their health insurance from their work" and that high health care costs were the result of frivilous lawsuits. Whatever!
On the way down to Tampa, after picking up some Burrito Bros. along the way, we caught a bit of a debate between the 3 democratic candidates running for Bob Graham's senate seat. I'm still totally pulling for Betty Castor, but Deutch and Penelas did have their moments in the sun. Betty's mention of putting more aid on the table for grad students caught great cheers from everyone in the car. Maybe then I can finally finish my masters here at UF. Someday.
That's about it. A week of work lies ahead, but there is yet another concert this Thursday: Jay Farrar at Common Grounds. Since Michelle will be out of town at a conference, I'll have a spare ticket. Any takers? ;-) Also, my friends Ron & Mimi are hosting a presentation on the asian elephant on Friday. Should be worth going to as well.
Off to bed and then to a week of once again going postal and primering the fam room. Joy!