This was certainly the work of a radio consultant. The airwaves undulate with the trademark foul stench every time I set my tuner to 100.5fm. Oh well - it was fun while it lasted. We'll still have the great memories of listening to Leigh Scott playing stuff by Rilo Kiley and Husker Du. Or of Mojo and Spanish in the morning rocking the Rage Against the Machine and Reverend Horton Heat.
The more that beloved radio formats go by the wayside, the more it comes apparent that our American Idol-loving asses never deserved it in the first place.
As a result of this formatic death, increased burden now rests on those of us in community radio. You can give us the resources to keep the movement alive. We hope to see you at WGOT's benefit concert on St. Paddy's Day (Monday, March 17th) at Club 1982 downtown.
Indie rock is dead. Long live indie rock!